Castor Oil Therapy
Castor Oil Packs are a magical thing!
No, really it is. When we have scar tissue or adhesions, fibroids, ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes, PID, Asherman’s Syndrome and more, castor oil packs improves the blood flow needed for healing and is one of the easiest therapies along-side acupuncture to improve the health of the reproductive system and fertility.
Simple Instructions for Applying a Castor Oil Pack
- Saturate a piece of cotton flannel in cold-pressed, pure castor oil
- Place it directly on the skin over the lower abdomen
- Cover it with plastic wrap
- Add gentle heat source on top – hot water bottle or heating pad
- Lie down and rest for an hour
5 Ways Castor Oil Packs Improve Reproductive Health and Fertility
Increases Circulation
Castor Oil Therapy stimulates the circulatory system. By increasing circulation, fresh oxygenated blood flows through the abdomen/pelvis and nourishes the reproductive organs – ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus – helping them to properly function. A lack of circulation to these organs prevents them from properly healing if damaged and may promote the formation of excessive scar tissue and adhesions.
Additional therapies of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can greatly optimize circulation and is a beneficial way to naturally support egg health and healthy reproductive organ function.
Boosts Immune System Function
Lymph nodes surround the reproductive organs and are home to lymphocytes (lymph cells) and lymph (fluid) that make up part of the body’s immune system. The lymphatic system continuously defends the body from disease. Application of a castor oil pack over the lower abdomen stimulates movement of the lymph through the reproductive area. The lymphatic system then goes to work to remove waste (toxins) from the area helping to cleanse the reproductive organs.
Promotes Detoxification
Castor oil therapy increases circulation to the liver, which stimulates liver detoxification and improves liver function. The liver removes hormones, drugs, and other biologically active molecules from the blood and it also makes 1/3 to 1/2 of all lymph. Liver health is vital to proper function of the lymphatic system. A liver that is overwhelmed due to poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, being sedentary, or exposure to xenohormones, cannot adequately function, or produce lymph as well. This may contribute to hormonal imbalance and disease. In Chinese medicine, the Liver meridian is of paramount importance in women’s reproductive health mostly through its relationship with the uterus and blood.
Reduces Inflammation & Pain
Lack of circulation, poor immune system function resulting in sluggish lymph flow or congested lymph glands and an overburdened liver can all contribute to inflammation and pain. We find it is very common with some fertility issues because inflammation is present such as ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, PID, PCOS, and Asherman’s syndrome. Castor Oil packs as a home therapy can be supportive to use along-side acupuncture in a natural and holistic approach to women’s health and fertility.
Relieves Stress
Another important benefit of Castor Oil Therapy is that it may help relieve stress. As you can guess, stress has a profound impact on those dealing with infertility and reproductive health concerns. Castor Oil Therapy requires you to temporarily step away from routine, daily demands and forces you to be present with yourself and rest.
How often should you apply castor oil packs?
Apply a castor oil pack at least 3-4 times a week for an hour. When trying to conceive, do not use after ovulation. If active in an IVF cycle, consult with us prior. Take advantage of the quiet and restful time Castor Oil Therapy allows you to have.